Five Ways to a Healthy Hair and Scalp


Healthy hair and scalp is a major part of being beautiful. Especially for women, that long shiny hair is one essential part of being beautiful. However, maintaining healthy hair and scalp can sometimes be a challenge as common problems on dry, frizzy hair as well as dandruff and itchy scalp can be encountered from time to time.


There have been many causes of damaged hair and unhealthy scalp. Most often, in our quest of having that beautiful perfect hair like what is usually featured in shampoo commercials, we often try so hard on putting chemicals and doing a lot of hair-damaging processes to our hair. We often exchange the health of our hair to the temporary joy of having a salon-beautified hair, and excessive styling which often involve chemicals and heat in dealing with our hair.


Aside from these damaging processes we put ourselves into, hair and scalp problems come with nutrition and diet. The health of our skin, scalp and hair primarily comes from within. Diet and stress can be major contributory factors in having an unhealthy hair and scalp.


If you are probably one who is faced with these problems, here are five ways that might help you regain a healthy hair and scalp.


1. Go Natural. If you have been having a badly damaged hair because of frequent hair coloring or perming, or excessive styling, do not seek treatment from another chemical-based solution. Probably the best way you can do is to rest your hair from all the chemical treatments and go natural. Natural products are safer way to help your hair and scalp return to its natural condition. Although some natural remedies may have some unpleasant smell or icky feel, it would be just too small a concern on what it can do for you. Try Jojoba Oil, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil and other essential oils to restore the shine and glow of your hair. It can also prevent itchy scalp. You can also try herbal shampoo to lessen the chemical build-ups in your hair.


2. Eat Right. The natural beauty of your hair comes from what you eat. Diet contributes a lot to a healthy hair and scalp. A diet rich in Vitamin A and Zinc are said to be good for healthy hair and scalp. In general, healthy and balanced diet of green vegetables, legumes, nuts, oysters (which is rich in zinc), and whole grains can bring your hair to its best shape.


3. Exercise. Stress can be one factor in making a dull and unhealthy hair. It has also been seen to cause dandruff and other skin problems, thus one thing to avoid it is to exercise and get those stress out of your system.


4. Practice Good Hygiene. Maintaining a good hygiene with your hair also brings out the natural beauty of your hair and scalp. Wash your hair with mild shampoo and condition it every time you wash it. You can also massage your scalp to stimulate the oil glands that moisturize the hair naturally. Don’t forget to give your hair a good brushing too.


5. Avoid the Chemicals and Heat. Frequent use of hair dryer and heated rollers can bring permanent damage to your hair. Chemical treatments such as perming, bleaching, straightening and relaxing can also lead to hair loss, thus it is wise to avoid these chemicals and stick with your naturally healthy hair and scalp.


Source by Carolyn Anderson

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