Back Hair Trimmer – Mangroomer Product Review


Shaving back hair used to be a no no in view of the high risk of ingrown hairs in this hard to reach area. Now it is possible to buy an electric back hair trimmer which gets to all those inaccessible areas so a man with unwanted back hair can perform the procedure conveniently at home. (See resource box)

The manufacturer lists the following features in the promotional material:

  • The Mangroomer back hair trimmer features a 1.5 inch blade at the end of an adjustable and extendable handle which opens to 135 degrees.
  • The handle locks at various positions to allow the user to reach any area of the back.
  • It comes in a lightweight design and easily folds away.
  • A close smooth shave is possible without the risk of ingrown hair.

But does this back hair trimmer really do the job? Is it just a gimmick?

Here are some answers from users:

One user said he found it difficult to master the handle to get the right angles initially but after some practice it was possible to reach the previously inaccessible parts of the back. Also skin irritation was a problem at first but after using a mirror and gaining experience with the back hair trimmer, the irritation minimized and now the user feels he has certainly got value for money. It was also useful for neck hair in his case.

One user advised against pressing too hard in order to reduce the risk of skin irritation.

Opinions varied on how close a shave is possible with the Mangroomer back hair trimmer. Some were very happy and managed to get a very close, smooth, shave. Others couldn’t get the same results and also mentioned the risk of scratching the back with this device.

It is obvious from the feedback that mastery of this back hair trimmer is very much an individual thing, depending on how adept a person is at moving the hand, wrist and arm at new angles and in new ways. Overall, the comments have been very positive and it seems the majority are able to get satisfactory results with a little practice.

Some Negative Comments

Some negative comments were received about the quality of the materials used. Some felt it was a little too lightweight and might break easily. In other cases, some viewed this as an advantage, as the lightweight design made it easy to carry and use.

The time it takes to use the back hair trimmer will of course vary from person to person depending on the density of hair growth. However, for a man with moderate unwanted hair growth, it seems possible to complete the shaving session in under 5 minutes once the back hair trimmer has been used a number of times to gain experience.

Overall High Approval Rating

Compared to other methods of hair removal, the Mangroomer back hair trimmer received a high approval rate. Some men had tried depilatories and couldn’t stand the smell. Others tried waxing and found the pain level too high plus the inconvenience and expense of having to visit salons regularly. Laser and electrolysis are of course quite expensive for such a large area.

So in weighing up the pros and cons it seems a back hair trimmer is certainly worth considering for men with problem back hair.

A small number of comments were negative and the users felt it was more of a gimmick, failing to deliver the results they expected. However, to be fair, out of all the feedback received, 9 out of 10 users gave a positive comment which is quite convincing.

The Mangroomer back hair trimmer is battery operated and many users find they can go for 6 or 7 sessions without having to replace the batteries.

As for customer service, the supplier received high ratings. In one or two cases, customers received a faulty device. The company was swift to send a replacement with no hassle.

One final tip: Following up back hair removal sessions with a hair inhibitor is also worth trying. Hair inhibitors don’t work for everyone but as they come with a money back guarantee there is really nothing to lose.

By getting a partner to rub the hair inhibitor into the back area right after a session with the back hair trimmer, a reduction in hair growth will be seen as the weeks go by. Eventually many men find they do not need to carry out the back hair removal procedure nearly as often and the hair that does grow back is easier to remove. See the resource box for details:


Source by Mike Jones

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