Fat Loss Activation

Product Name: Fat Loss Activation


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Fat Loss Activation is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


For men & women who want to lose stubborn belly fat but struggle with the so-called expert advice of eating less & exercising more.

There’s a danger lurking in the shadows.

You can’t see it. You can’t touch it. But you can feel it.

It’s there when you wake. It’s there when you lay your head down at night.

If you workout with weights, or run, or do any kind of activity, it’s always with you.

It can undo all your hard work in the gym and leave you feeling empty and depressed.

It doesn’t care how old or young you are. It pays no attention to how experienced or novice you are. It can hit you at any time.

What is this hidden danger that threatens to stop you in your tracks?

This enemy goes by one name:

Hunger destroys motivation. It tears up your plans to get the physique you want. And it sucks every drop of willpower from your body, leading you back to food.

But there is a way to transform your body’s reaction to hunger.

I’ll explain how in a few moments but first let me introduce myself…

My name is Mike Westerdal, founder of the internet’s longest-standing health & strength site criticalbench.com. I’m also a national best-selling fitness author, sports nutrition specialist and personal trainer.

Although I’m at the top of my game, it wasn’t always like this.

For too long I struggled with the constant desire for food before, after and even during workouts.

When you’re active, you fight the battle with hunger every waking moment.

I thought controlling my hunger – and my weight – was a question of willpower. I just needed to tell my mind to “suck it up, buttercup”, right?

But it wasn’t until I met a trainer called Ryan Faehnle who told me…

Coach Ryan told me no-one trying to lose fat needs to be battling with hunger.

If hunger takes over, your brain goes into survival mode. Your “need” to binge on food is a natural response by your brain.

And it’s all down to one “hidden” hormone in your body you’ve never heard of.

In leaner times, it played a role in helping us survive… but modern living has let it off the leash with shocking consequences.

So, you see, it isn’t your fault.

To explain, here’s pro-trainer Ryan Faehnle – AKA “The Ghrelin Guy” (as he’ll explain).

Before I explain about the “hunger hormone” Mike mentioned, you may want to know a little more about me.

As a strength & conditioning specialist (CSCS) I’ve trained athletes in 21 different sports at levels from high school to professional. I’ve coached NFL Super Bowl Champions as well as ordinary girls and guys who want to see better results.

As an NCAA Division I Strength and Conditioning Coach, I was responsible for the performance of hundreds of athletes competing at the highest level.

I have traveled the globe lecturing trainers and coaches on strength, conditioning and body composition.

And during this time, I’ve coached private clients. I built my reputation on results.

I wasn’t always the lean guy I am today. I grew up in a family that LOVED food.

My mom showed her love for us through food from an early age. Sugar, soda, you name it.

Food plays a part stimulating the pleasure centers of the brain. When we eat it releases dopamine and serotonin. And, man, did I eat.

I spent years attempting to lose the weight and once I did struggling to keep it off, with NO success.

It took me five years to get the balance right. It all clicked into place once I discovered the impact of the “hidden” hormone. But now I understood how the body works…

Unlike so many “keyboard warriors”, my reputation is forged from experience and RESULTS.

Look, I work with the best. When they need a result, they don’t accept excuses. That’s why I only use methods that work.

I’ve spent years studying and researching nutrition, fat loss and body composition. And discovering how they impact athletic performance.

I’ve used everything I learned to develop an approach with stunning results, including:

Ok, some of these sound crazy, but I’ll explain in a moment how I used my proven 3-step method to change their future.

But first let me reveal to you…

For the athletes I work with one of their biggest challenge was losing fat and maintaining weight.

With the higher levels of activity comes a need for more fuel, in the form of food. However, getting the balance right to eat the right amount for recovery was difficult.

For clients, this is always an issue. Too restrictive a diet and hunger threatens to wreck all their hard work in the gym.

To understand what was going on, four years ago I started to study the effect of hormones on the human body.

Hunger is the single biggest threat to achieving an ideal physique… and its cheerleader is a little-known hormone called ghrelin

Your body doesn’t like change. It likes to stay the same. When we try to make changes, like losing or gaining weight, the body responds with various mechanisms to bring stability back.

One of these mechanisms is appetite.

If your body senses it is losing weight your appetite hormones kick in to regulate this. There are two appetite hormones: leptin, which inhibits hunger and its difficult twin, ghrelin which does the opposite – INCREASES hunger.

And it doesn’t care how loud it shouts.

Ghrelin is found in the lining of the stomach and reacts to how well you’ve eaten. If your stomach is empty, ghrelin is produced.

But when your body secretes too much ghrelin, all hell breaks loose.

What causes your body to go into ghrelin meltdown?

Ghrelin is at its highest before eating and its lowest after a meal.

If you’re on a diet or program that severely restricts calories, you’ll feel the effects of ghrelin as the hunger grips you.

And with all those signals firing to your brain to “EAT, EAT, EAT” it’s no surprise when you succumb to the urge to guzzle food and end up over-eating.

In this “hunger state” ghrelin sends the body into survival shut down and promotes fat storage . It forces the body to hold onto its fat reserves.

Now, it’s possible to see how ghrelin causes you to work against your body when you’re trying to eliminate body fat.

What complicates it further is ghrelin levels can be affected by factors other than food. The amount of sleep you have, for instance, can also impact on your ghrelin levels.

Here’s the thing about ghrelin.

Ghrelin in itself isn’t bad. From a survival standpoint, ghrelin is there to guide our body.

Understanding hunger and what causes the release of ghrelin is key to promoting and maintaining fat loss. But ghrelin needs to be treated with kid gloves.

Hunger can melt away willpower and disrupt your attempt to shed body fat.

The problem is worsened when we add exercise because it often just makes us hungrier later on.

If you sleep less than 7 hours you’re likely to have high ghrelin levels, decreased leptin and you’ll feel more hungry. Generally people who sleep less are heavier than those who get enough rest.

This is another strategy for reducing ghrelin. The feeling of fullness in the stomach after eating fiber slows the production of ghrelin and does so while minimizing caloric intake. Foods high in fiber include artichokes, apples, broccoli as well as other fruits and vegetables.

Protein has been shown to take longer to digest keeping you feeling full longer. In a study of 21 men published in the journal Nutrition Research, half were fed bagels while the other half ate eggs for breakfast. The men that ate the eggs were less hungry 3 hours later and ate less the next 24-hours.

You see we spend more hours sitting than our bodies were ever designed to do. And it’s destroying our muscles, posture and wellbeing.

Sitting for prolonged periods increases risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and death.

One international study said the risk could be reduced by doing 1 hour of physical activity every day. But who seriously has time?

It is said you can’t out-train a bad diet, the same is true of your lifestyle.

Spending hours sitting at a desk has long-term effects built up over time.

Most strength and conditioning programs I’ve seen start with a dynamic stretching routine that takes 15-minutes, followed by a 15-minute mobility circuit. You’ve been exercising for a full 30-minutes before you’ve even officially started the “workout”.

The reason coaches design workouts this way is because it actually takes your body that long to wake up, establish the mind-body connection and make sure your muscles are fully activated and prepared to workout at full capacity and avoid injury.

I don’t know about you, but most of my clients want to have their workout completed by 30-minutes, not just finishing up their warm-up!

So how do you take the fight to a sedentary lifestyle and bring your muscles back to life so they’re PRIMED for their workout and firing at 100 percent and ready to go? Is there a way to go from 1st gear to 5th gear so you can get more accomplished faster?

I stumbled across the answer when working in the field of rehabilitation…

It’s shocking to hear this but I’m going to say it anyway:

The damage you’re doing to your body leaves your body in a similar state to someone who has been seriously injured.

No-one dresses it up this way, but it’s true.

Our bodies have been ravaged by inactivity. They weren’t built to do so little.

And now we need a way to switch them back on again, so they work as they’re supposed to when we perform resistance exercises.

By seeing our sedentary lifestyle this way, it made me turn to my understanding of rehabilitation and the work of physical therapists in returning injured athletes to full activity.

These practitioners use a series of “activation” exercises to get their injured individuals ready to move.

Physical therapists take injured patients through a series of techniques designed to restore function and strengthen muscles again.

The good news is you don’t need to become a trained physical therapist to learn how to “activate” your muscles in preparation for training.

I’ve now been using this process with my pro athlete clients and regular clients to dramatically improve workout performance. Through developing best practice, I have a toolbox of highly effective techniques which promote flexibility, strength, greater movement and optimal output in minimal time.

There are some important additional benefits to using muscle activation moves which also help promote fat loss, including increasing blood flow to muscle tissue to increase lipolysis, which burns fat.

Hold tight though, there’s one final piece of this puzzle.

There’s a good reason why you may have been unsuccessful at controlling your hunger, dropping body fat and getting ripped… and it’s down to the way most fat loss programs are designed.

I noticed an interesting trend working with college athletes. At the end of term, half of my athletes would go home to their family, while the other half stayed on campus.

When they returned it was clear the athletes who went home were often unable to follow the programs.

If you’re working 1-on-1, you can make a plan as complicated as needed. But when you go home and do it yourself, it’s a different story.

Likewise, if these daily plans take too long, few will follow them.

The final reason most fat loss programs don’t work is because of habits.

Most programs tell you to change some part of your behavior. Often overnight.

You’re commanded to go from eating one thing every day to not eating it at all.

For most programs to work, YOU need to stop and leave behind all your bad habits that got you there in the first place.

But here’s the problem: if changing your habits was so easy to do, we’d ALL change our habits in a moment.

It’s why other programs you may have tried haven’t worked…

If you’re trying to change bad habits you’ve had for years, you’re going to lose the battle.

In other words, if you try to stamp out your bad habit, you will fail.

Have you started off a program with the best intentions only to see it slip away after a few days?

You feel bad. And people will tell you to suck it up and deal with it.

But you’re going against habit.

Once you acknowledge old habits die hard, you’re forced to work in alignment with them.

It’s about removing resistance.

Work in harmony with your existing behavior and meals are simpler, activity becomes easier and, in turn, shifting stubborn, ugly body fat becomes so much easier.

Using this understanding let me explain…

One client was a lady who struggled to lose body fat. After months without success, she made an admission.

She told me, “Ryan, I love jelly beans SO much. If I can’t have them, I just think about them. They’re all I can think about.”

Guess what? She was so focused on jelly beans she couldn’t help but eat a few. And once she had gone off her plan, she went off HARD.

So, we agreed that on her workout days she could have one small cup of jelly beans straight after her workout. It transformed her progress within weeks.

She stuck with her program and the fat dropped off. By working with her habits, rather than forcing her to restrict something that was part of her life.

The NFL star I mentioned earlier who ate pizza everyday did so because we managed his habit well. He was NEVER going to stop eating pizza. He loved it.

He could eat pizza because he moderated his intake.

Remember, it’s NOT about eating anything, anytime. It’s about still eating what you enjoy. The restriction isn’t on the item itself, but on the quantity.

Now you start to see how these three factors work together to make it near impossible for you to rid your frame of fat.

Conflicting advice, a lifestyle centered on poor posture and inactivity and a hormone that rears its head so often if feels like it’s controlling you, rather than the other way around.

However, there is another way. It’s just doctors, the diet industry and trainers simply don’t have the tools or the expertise to point in another direction.

For them, it’s more of the same.

More, more, more. And what it really needs to be is more focused.

When you recognize that habits can’t be changed so easily, you change how to approach the problem.

When you acknowledge the problems caused by sitting down for most of the day, you can work around it.

When you discover how long hunger has controlled your feelings and behavior, you realize you have the power to change your future.

The only way to fix this problem is by tackling each problem in turn.

Whether I’m working with professional athletes or gym newbies, this approach is the same. It needs to hit all the areas in the right way to ensure progress

These are the exact strategies and programs honed over years of working with professional and collegiate athletes, teaching sports professionals.

They’re the very same techniques I use with my personal training clients for rapid, effective results.

Now – for the first time ever – I’ve opened up my playbook for fat loss and peak athletic performance.

The core of the Fat Loss Activation program are short, targeted 15 minute body part workouts to transform you into a fat burning machine.

Based on my experience with pro athletes, I’ve focused the program on short burst, high energy workouts, five times a week.

You receive both a detailed workout manual and work out charts.

If you’re a gym junkie or want quicker results, I’ve included a selection of powerful “intensifier” techniques with the program. These short movements take only a few minutes and can be added after your core workout to fast-track your journey.

Put ghrelin back in its box with this battle plan to tame your hunger hormone. Never surrender to pangs again.

The best nutrition plan is the one you use. The “Eat To Activate” Plan is not restrictive; in fact, I want to empower you to eat the foods you love.

In this plan you receive a complete run-down of the principles of nutrition and a detailed meal plan. This shows you exactly what to eat and when.

The goal is not to stop you eating anything. It’s designed to help you control what you eat and be aware of what affects your hunger.

My guess is you’ve seen your fair share of supplements claiming to “fix” your physique or burn fat.

If most of these supplements did what they said, you probably wouldn’t be reading this.

While most supplements do little, there are some I have used for myself, athletes and clients. I only recommend and stand by products I have personally tried and tested.

Using supplements is completely optional. You’ll still get great results without. But building a supplement stack into your program can help fill any gaps and cut the time to your ideal body.

In this bonus, I share my favorite supplements stacks designed around outcomes.

(Results experienced are not typical. Consumer results may vary)

I’m going to let you into a little secret. When I started out, I thought these collegiate athletes were going to be freak athletes.

Most of them are like you and me. Like baby giraffes on ice skates, great at their sport but not gifted at all.

I had to train them to drop fat, stay lean and strong, just like I had to train someone who had never trained before.

It’s all about mastering the basics. If you don’t master the basics, you’ll never get where you want to be. Professional athletes still work on the basics.

Everyone wants to get all fancy. Most programs out there try to be too fancy. And they don’t work because they don’t touch on the basics.

I show you how to do master the basics. When you get a grip on these, you can multiply the effectiveness of your workout many times.

Sure, you still need to put the work in. But every second you spend working out will count. Every bead of sweat you exert moves you towards feeling stronger and saying goodbye to ugly body fat.

Look, I’m not going to sugar coat this. You’re a grown-up.

If you’re trying something promising rapid results for little effort, it won’t work.

Losing body fat does takes effort. You have to work at it.

Work at it against your body, against your hormones and waste your workouts…

Make sure every ounce of effort means something.

I won’t do that to you. I’m not going to let you down, here.

I know what you’re saying right now…

Look, you may have tried everything.

You haven’t tried it my way.

I get that you’ve probably seen it all.

All the claims and promises of rapid weight loss and a quick fix to the body you always wanted.

So many trainers and experts lay it on thick to sell their program and make a fast buck. I understand why you’d be reluctant to place your trust in anyone.

But here’s the difference. Fat Loss Activation is a program I’ve developed and used on everyone from professional athletes to grandmothers. It’s not based on theory and hope. Everything element of the program is designed around what I know works in the field, supported by scientific research.

Your skepticism is understandable.

That’s why I’m going to make you an offer so irresistible to grab this offer and get the results you want.

Even at these rates, it’s a great value as I ALWAYS achieve results for my clients and athletes.

If I was launching the program to other health professionals complete with my methodology for controlling your hormones and activating your muscles for optimal strength and fat loss, I could charge several hundred dollars.

In fact, some coach buddies insist I pull this program to sell to coaches and trainers who want “in” on my secrets.

But that doesn’t motivate me… I’m in this for the long haul and I want to make a difference to you and to our future.

At that price it would be a steal compared with the cost of continuing along the route you’re on… but I’m not offering it for this price.

I’m not even offering this for half. Or even a quarter of the price.

I want as many people to get their hands on this as possible.

I want them to think of Coach Ryan when they’re looking in the mirror and smiling back at the results.

But please hurry – this is an introductory price to launch the program.

I don’t know how much longer it will be available at this low, low price, so please grab it while you can.

Ok, so now I’ve shown you exactly what you get with the program and the benefits you’ll gain. I’ve made this a no-brainer by offering this to you for a one-time low price so you can get started.

But I’m not going to stop there.

I want to go another step further. I want to make this free from ANY risk for you.

You see, this program works. When you use it, you’ll not only see the results in how you look and feel. You’ll love it. I know you will.

That’s why I’m offering a 100% money back guarantee. Yes, try this for 60 days and if you’re not delighted with the changes to your body and health, call my team and we’ll give you back every penny.

If you don’t like ANY aspect of the program, send an email to my team at support@fatlossactivation.com. It couldn’t be easier.

Look, I’m letting you into my fat loss playbook, here. I’ve never opened this up to the public before.

I know you’re going to love it.

But you’re not investing in this to learn how to finally melt away the stubborn body fat standing in the way of you and your sculpted, lean physique.

Sure, this knowledge is going to keep you on the road to a sustainable, healthy athletic body without giving up the food you love or sacrificing your life to the gym…

It’s the other changes that rock your world.

The moment you’re walking down the street and catch a glimpse of yourself in a store window.

When you see yourself tagged on Facebook and you think “DANG!”

When your pants are too baggy around the waist…. and going to the clothing store is actually fun.

When one of your work buddies slides up to you and asks you what your secret was.

And, what’s more, they’ll be shocked when they see you drinking beer, eating chips and enjoying life…

… rather than spooning chicken and veggies into your mouth every few hours.

Or disappearing to the gym rather than spending time with the people you care about.

But now it’s time to get serious.

How much do you really want to look in the mirror and finally see the lean, muscular physique you’ve been denied for so long?

Now is the time to take action.

This is your journey. You’ve got to take the first step yourself.

Hit the Add to Cart button below and let’s get started. When you hit the Add to Cart button you’ll be taken to a secure order form. Have your credit card ready and complete the details and submit. Within a few minutes, you’ll receive your copy of the program and you can start.

The choice you make right now could be the difference it makes between enjoying the muscular physique you always wanted. Or not. It’s your choice.

P.S. Try Fat Loss Activation for 60 days and you’ll discover how to rapidly drop excess body fat, re-shape your body and get the lean, muscular look you’ve always wanted.

If you’ve been frustrated by losing stubborn body fat and want a proven program that works with your hormones and habits to get results in just 15 minutes a day without dull, restrictive diets or endless cardio, this is what you’ve been waiting for.

I’m so confident you’ll love my program and it will transform the way you think about food and activity, I’m offering you a complete 100% money back guarantee, no questions asked.

Grab your copy of the program now before the price rises. Click on the Buy Now button below.

(Results experienced are not typical. Consumer results may vary)

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Click here to get Fat Loss Activation at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Fat Loss Activation is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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