Product Name: Fatty Liver Fix
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Fatty Liver Fix is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
Many people think their sluggish metabolism, lack of energy, trouble staying focused, and lack of joy are “part of getting old.”
The medical community calls Fatty Liver Disease a silent epidemic.
Harvard Medical School says up to 20% of Americans have a fatty liver.
Most of the time Fatty Liver Disease goes undiagnosed because the symptoms mimic health issues many folks blame on exiting their teens and entering into adulthood.
What causes a fatty liver?
A fatty liver is typically caused by drinking alcohol or a poor “Western diet” that we’ve been conditioned to eat.
What happens when fat begins to invade your liver?
As fat begins to overtake your liver this vital organ is no longer able to perform its job of detoxifying your blood and regulating your metabolism.
Toxic waste that should be broken down by the liver floods your body. It can enter the brain and cause a disease called “Hepatic Encephalopathy” which can affect your mood and ability to concentrate.
One of your liver’s primary functions turning food into energy.
When fat deposits start to build up in your liver it struggles to perform like it should and the food you eat starts getting stored as fat instead of turned into energy.
If the food you’re eating isn’t properly metabolized by your liver it doesn’t matter how “clean” or healthy you eat – you’ll always feel burned out.
If you’re dropping a fortune on grass-fed meat and organic fruits and veggies and not feeling a difference, it could be a sign you need to give your liver some care.
Do you have sugar cravings that gnaw away at you until you’re forced to give in to sweet temptation? Even tiny sugar cravings can sabotage your diet. Ravenous sugar cravings can literally be a death sentence.
Good news… Researchers have discovered something residing in your liver that has the ability to shut down sugar cravings.
It’s a hormone called fibroblast growth factor 21 or “FGF21” for short.
FGF21 tells the brain to cut off sugar cravings. With a simple signal from this magical hormone your body instantly says “no more sugar”
For the first time a single process has been discovered in the liver that stops sugar cravings.
As Matthew Potthoff, an assistant professor of pharmacology at the University of Iowa puts it, FGF21 “shuts off that reward pathway.”
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a healthy liver sending out the FGF21 hormone and shutting down your sugar cravings?
This is one of the ways nursing your liver back to health helps you automatically lose weight and protects you against diabetes without willpower.
The artificial boost of energy you get from stimulants like coffee creates a nervous rush. It also triggers the release of a stress hormone called cortisol that can cause anxiety.
Using stimulants for energy is like plugging your nervous system into an electrical socket and shocking your body to keep it alert.
It might do the trick, but at what cost to your long-term health?
Wouldn’t it be better to heal your liver so that your body becomes better at producing its own energy?
When you get rid of the built up fat that’s stopping your liver from doing its job your metabolism will function like it should and supply your body an abundance of fresh energy.
Natural energy generated by your body is smooth not jittery. Natural not artificial. It keeps you focused not nervous.
It gives you the ability to power your body and mind without burning you out the way stimulants do.
Is it starting to make sense how fixing your fatty liver can speed up your metabolism and help you turn food into energy?
Your liver is a heroic organ.
It stands between everything in our toxic world that we eat, drink, and breathe and the rest of our body.
It even breaks down and removes metabolic waste created inside your body.
Your liver is also the first line of defense against sickness and disease.
As you’re starting to understand, your liver takes a ton of abuse while doing its job.
That’s why you need to give it some care once in while.
For more than a decade we’ve helped folks overcome health problems with short detox cleanses.
And for more than a decade we’ve suffered abuse and scorn by the medical establishment who called detoxing “fake science.”
As we began to develop our system for fixing a fatty liver we were stunned by a word that kept popping up in scientific journals and medical sites…
The word was “detoxification.”
The stubborn you-know-what’s finally came around!
WebMD is absolutely right about your liver needing “a little extra help.”
Having helped thousands of folks enjoy more vibrant health by doing juice cleanses, the Master Cleanse, and other short-term detoxes we understand the benefits of removing internal waste from your body.
We live in a toxic world.
Your liver is the guardian that protects your body from toxic outside contamination such as pesticides and air pollution.
Dr. Don Smith, a professor at UC Santa Cruz, has identified 689 toxic substances that exist in our environment. Your liver protects you from each and every one.
Your liver also keeps you safe from harmful substances created inside your body.
For example, “acetaldehyde” is created when your body metabolizes alcohol.
Acetaldehyde is a literal poison and one of the primary reasons you feel like you’ve been hit by a truck after a night of drinking.
Your liver is what protects you from all these threats to your health.
We have no doubt that keeping your liver healthy so it’s removing waste from your body 365-days a year is better for you than any short-term cleanse.
If you eat a clean diet, don’t smoke or drink alcohol, and don’t live in a polluted city, your liver may be in great shape.
In this case, giving a little extra care to your liver might not necessary.
The plain truth of the matter is the average person doesn’t always eat perfect.
And sometimes you might party too hard and partake in activities such as excessive drinking.
Another scary realization is that even if you enjoy a wonderfully healthy diet, exercise frequently, and drink lots of water, the poisons and toxins in the air you breathe can still damage your liver.
This is why liver care systems are becoming so popular with people who care about their health.
So, who needs to pay attention to their liver?
Truth is anyone can benefit from caring for their liver, but the following groups are the ones who can benefit the most from it…
Remember, your liver powers many bodily processes. So health problems you may not connect to an unhealthy liver can be effectively treated by caring for your liver.
If you want to heal your sick liver continue reading and we’ll show you the best way to do it…
If you regularly consume alcohol, smoke, or eat a less than perfect diet you have likely done damage to your liver.
Look over this list to see if you have any symptoms of a fatty liver:
If you experience any of these symptoms what you’re about to discover can help reverse the damage. This is possible for one very special reason…
The beauty of your liver is its ability to heal itself. Your liver has the ability to take decades of abuse and spontaneously regenerate itself back to health when you stop abusing it and follow the few simple steps we’re going to share with you
Your liver’s regenerating ability is so powerful that you can surgically remove ⅔ of your liver and it has the ability regenerate itself back into a perfect, whole liver.
After 80 years of research much of how the liver is able to this is a mystery.
What we do know is that there are some important steps you must take before this healing can take place and that’s why we created…
It’s true that an ultra-healthy lifestyle can keep your liver healthy. But if your liver has gone through years of abuse it will take a little more care to heal it…
The more we researched, the more we listened to the thousands of folks we’ve helped, the more we realized good people are being kept in the dark about the benefits of a healthy liver.
We admit, the name doesn’t help.
And restoring your liver back to health doesn’t sound as fun and sensual as getting rock hard abs or a firm butt.
It’s a travesty, because there’s probably no better way enjoy a surge of energy, automatic fat loss, and protection against disease than by making sure you have a strong liver.
So we developed a system that shows you how to fix your fatty liver.
Health Hacks Publishing is a team dedicated to combining natural cures with cutting-edge science and sharing it with the world.
For more than a decade the techniques we’ve developed have helped people lose weight, look younger, feel better, and improve cognitive function faster than many people say is possible.
We were the first ones discover foods that are so easy for your body to digest that they did not interrupt the detoxing process. This was a breakthrough that allowed anyone doing a liquid cleanse to eat whole foods.
This technique was “borrowed” by almost every Master Cleanse and Juice Cleanse coach on the planet.
We also helped popularize the natural sweetener Stevia and get it on grocery store shelves when the FDA was trying to ban it.
Our goal is to help you unlock the full potential of your body and mind with as little effort as possible.
The Fatty Liver Fix is our crowning achievement…
The Fatty Liver Fix is a liver healing system that helps you get rid of fat deposits in your liver and restore your liver back to perfect health in just a few days.
Best of all we’ve discovered a way for you to do this and keep eating normal food. The process is easy and comfortable.
You’re going to discover…
That’s just a sample of what you’ll discover. There’s more… much more.
During the 2 years we spent developing the Fatty Liver Fix we were shocked to discover how wrong and how dangerous most of the information about healing your liver is.
One of the most popular liver cleanses on the internet suggests you should drink a half cup of olive oil mixed with lemon juice to “flush” your liver.
Under no circumstances should you do this.
While a little bit of healthy fat like olive oil can be good for your liver, drinking half a cup is dangerous.
One of your liver’s primary tasks is to break down and metabolize what you put in your body.
Slamming it with a massive caloric intake of fat puts a tremendous amount of stress on your liver. Don’t do it.
Another popular liver cleanse tells you to drink nothing but apple cider for 2 to 3 days.
Again, this is terrible advice.
One of the main reasons so many people have fatty livers is because they eat too much sugar. Apple cider has a whopping 26 grams of sugar per serving.
We’ve helped people shed large amounts of weight, heal chronic illness, look years younger, and revitalize their health. And most of the time we’ve been able to help them do it in days, not months or years.
Fatty Liver Fix is our finest system. It’s the most advanced. It’s the most transformative. But it also the easiest.
For the first time ever we have a way to give you the fast results you typically experience with a juice cleanse or detox without the hard parts.
You don’t have to be that sad person who brought a jug of juice from home who watches everyone else at the party dine on delightful treats – you can join them!
Using the latest research on how the body heals the liver we were able to develop a system that restores your liver back to health without strict cleanses or detoxes.
We have slowly moved away from advising people to do starvation cleanses.
When you start the Fatty Liver Fix you won’t just be healing your liver. You’ll nourish and revitalize your entire body.
You won’t be a famished zombie sipping a cup laxative tea worried about walking down the street because you might pass out from lack of food.
You’ll be feasting like Roman royalty.
This isn’t some trick.
You’re not going to find out you can eat all day long but it has to be cucumbers or something like that.
While you’re restoring your liver back to mint condition you’ll be enjoying rich and savory foods like bread, pasta, and meat if you like.
And if for some reason you want to, you can eat all the cucumbers you want.
We also want to give you something very special we’ve been working on…
Bad breath, body odor, and hair loss are common problems that can be easy to fix.
Let’s talk about Bad breath and body odor first…
Studies have shown that how we smell plays an important role in human interaction.
Having rotten breath or body odor can taint your experiences with fellow humans.
Having a clean, natural scent can make a positive connection on the subconscious level with people you meet.
The Bad Breath Fix and Body Odor Fix are short guides with easy to follow steps that will help you get rid of these two smelly problems.
Our Hair Loss Fix guide could be life changing if losing your hair is something you worry about…
We want to let you know that this won’t help you if you’re already bald.
The Hair Loss Fix does reveal some things that have regrown hair in some cases, but we’re not comfortable calling it a cure for baldness.
The Hair Loss Fix is for people who are losing hair, or are worried about losing hair and want to:
If you like, we can give you our Bad Breath Fix, Body Odor Fix, and Hair Loss Fix below…
That would still be a good deal considering the Fatty Liver Fix has the ability to fix weight problems, low energy problems, mood problems, and has the ability to strengthen your immune system.
You’re not even going to pay ½ that.
We want to get the Fatty Liver Fix into the hands of as many people as possible – as quickly as possible.
You’ll get the Fatty Liver Fix and a Performance Progress Journal to track your improvements
Best Deal: You’ll get the Fatty Liver Fix and a Performance Progress Journal to track your improvements plus the Bad Breath Fix, Body Odor Fix & Hair Loss Fix
If you take this opportunity to own the Fatty Liver Fix you are protected by our 60-day guarantee.
We get it, a lot of what you just read seems almost too amazing to be true.
We didn’t believe spending a few days caring for your liver could reward you with so many splendid health benefits ourselves… until we tried it.
We have so much faith you will be able to transform your life that we want you to have 60 days to prove to yourself how amazing this is.
If for any reason you don’t feel like the Fatty Liver Fix has transformed your life send us an email and we will return your investment.
You won’t have to deal with customer support, or even give a reason.
Simply send a message to the email we’ll provide you with and we will be happy to return your investment.
We’re offering you such a strong guarantee because we want you to try this and experience the wonderful benefits for yourself.
The Fatty Liver Fix takes just 9 days for most folks.
But if you’ve been really abusing your liver for a lot of years and you’re showing symptoms of liver damage, we suggest staying on in for 14-30 days.
Remember, this isn’t a cleanse or a strict diet. You won’t be hungry or uncomfortable.
The Fatty Liver Fix was designed to be a pleasant experience. And because your liver has such a strong effect on your mood, when the Fatty Liver Fix begins to work most people experience a calm sense of joy.
If you live a life of festive excess you may have to tone it down a tiny bit
The Fatty Liver Fix is surprisingly sacrifice-free, with two exceptions. You can’t drink alcohol and you can’t smoke for a few days.
We’ve done what no other liver healing system can do – we developed a way for you to continue eating almost any food you like and repair your liver at the same time.
Other liver healing systems demand you go a restrictive detox diet.
Not the Fatty Liver Fix.
You can enjoy sweet starchy foods. Rich meaty foods. And of course fruits and veggies.
But there is perhaps no legal substances that can ravage your liver like alcohol and cigarettes.
Unlike most foods we don’t have any tricks that can allow you to keep smoking and drinking alcohol while you heal your liver. It can’t be done.
You will have to make a choice between taking a break from smoking and drinking for a few days and enjoying the benefits of a revitalized liver or to continue smoking and drinking and living with a sick liver.
If you can do this everything else about the Fatty Liver Fix is a piece of cake!
And after you repair your liver you can go back to drinking and smoking if you like.
Some people think dehydration causes hangovers. It plays a role, but how effective your body is at metabolizing alcohol can make the difference between feeling fine after a night of drinking or feeling like grim death.
Do you know which organ is mainly responsible for metabolizing alcohol?
Part of the reasons hangovers become so hellish as we move away from our early 20s is that our abused and fat clogged livers take longer to metabolize alcohol in our system.
After the Fatty Liver Fix you can speed up your hangover recovery time.
If you’ve gotten to the point where a few drinks every couple weeks has you in agony the next day, our simple system for restoring your liver back to health can help you enjoy your nights out again and not be out of commission the next day.
You’ll get the Fatty Liver Fix and a Performance Progress Journal to track your improvements
Best Deal: You’ll get the Fatty Liver Fix and a Performance Progress Journal to track your improvements plus the Bad Breath Fix, Body Odor Fix & Hair Loss Fix
What happens if you ignore the fat building up in your liver…
Fatty Liver is a serious problem, but it’s one that you can usually fix on your own without much work.
If you choose to ignore your fatty liver what comes next can be very serious, even deadly.
And the problems that spawn from an ignored fatty liver are not problems you easily reverse.
You’ll probably need a surgeon to cut you open if you allow your fatty liver to morph into Liver Fibrosis or worse, Cirrhosis of the Liver
It’s not only your liver that is at risk. When the conditions that allow fat to build up on your liver exist, every organ in your body is in danger. The fat invades your heart and clogs your arteries. Fat can move into your lungs and clog the airways.Fat deposits can even build up on your eyes!
You’ll get the Fatty Liver Fix and a Performance Progress Journal to track your improvements
Best Deal: You’ll get the Fatty Liver Fix and a Performance Progress Journal to track your improvements plus the Bad Breath Fix, Body Odor Fix & Hair Loss Fix
Restoring your liver back to health can be an uplifting experience that revitalizes your entire body.
But, if you do it wrong you can harm yourself.
The internet is full of bad advice on how to heal your liver
A big reason for that is many people are trying to sell you liver cleansing kits or supplements.
A lot of these products are expensive. Some of them are even dangerous.
The information we provide walks you through natural ways to gently heal your liver.
You’ll be safe and comfortable the entire time.
Our system is based on years of scientific research and our own personal experience gained in the past 11 years helping people use safe, natural methods to turn their health around fast.
The Fatty Liver Fix is designed to ease the burden on your liver and enhance your liver’s natural ability to heal itself
Undoing years of damage would normally be a challenge for your body.
We’ve discovered ways to make it easy and comfortable, and to keep the side effects of undergoing such a fast health transformation to a minimum.
The reason we’re so proud of the Fatty Liver Fix is that we’re able to take you on a journey of rapid health transformation without stress and misery.
Because your liver is so closely connected to your emotions, your mood generally brightens as you start to heal your liver.
It’s a delightful feeling that’s best described as soft euphoria.
After the Fatty Liver Fix you will feel energetic and vibrant.
Now that your metabolism is running properly your food cravings will drop off and losing weight becomes easier.
You’ll find your thinking is clear and sharp, and you will enjoy all the wonderful health benefits we talked about earlier.
As you’d expect you will have to pick up a few things before starting the Fatty Liver Fix. Don’t worry, there are no expensive “liver cleansing kits” or anything like that.
You’ll just need a few inexpensive products that have been researched and proven to help heal your liver.
Everything is available over the counter or online. You won’t need a prescription for anything.
You’ll get the Fatty Liver Fix and a Performance Progress Journal to track your improvements
Best Deal: You’ll get the Fatty Liver Fix and a Performance Progress Journal to track your improvements plus the Bad Breath Fix, Body Odor Fix & Hair Loss Fix
You are not alone. More people than ever are searching for a fatty liver cure.
You are part of an early group who understands how devastating a fatty liver can be to your quality of life.
You have the opportunity to be on the early adopters who get to enjoy the benefits of a liver that has been restored back to health.
You’ll get the Fatty Liver Fix and a Performance Progress Journal to track your improvements
Best Deal: You’ll get the Fatty Liver Fix and a Performance Progress Journal to track your improvements plus the Bad Breath Fix, Body Odor Fix & Hair Loss Fix
To a vibrant and joy-filled future
– Health Hacks Publishing Team
PS. Research shows that up to 50 percent of individuals with an underlying
liver disease have no symptoms. If you feel like you’re one of the millions of people hurting your liver without even knowing, a simple liver care system is something you should try
FGF21 Regulates Sweet and Alcohol Preference
Young people with liver conditions face an elevated risk of depression and anxiety
Stress linked to liver disease deaths
Psychosocial stress and liver disease status
Effects of Dietary Fructose Restriction on Liver Fat, De Novo Lipogenesis, and Insulin Kinetics in Children With Obesity.
“Silymarin”, a Promising Pharmacological Agent for Treatment of Diseases
Silymarin improved diet-induced liver damage and insulin resistance by decreasing inflammation in mice.
Silymarin extends lifespan and reduces proteotoxicity in C. elegans Alzheimer’s model
Anti-oxidant treatment in obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome.
Efficacy of selenium and/or N-acetyl-cysteine for improving semen parameters in infertile men: a double-blind, placebo controlled, randomized study.
N-Acetylcysteine Improves Liver Function in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
The importance and regulation of hepatic glutathione.
What Are the Stages of Hepatic Encephalopathy?
When the liver gets fatty
As Americans have gotten fatter, so have their livers, and some hearts may suffer as a result.
Nutritional Support in Chronic Liver Disease
Oily fish, coffee and walnuts: Dietary treatment for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Effects of Dietary Fructose Restriction on Liver Fat, De Novo Lipogenesis, and Insulin Kinetics in Children With Obesity.
Antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, and antihyperlipidemic effects of Coriandrum sativum leaf and stem in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.
Alcohol Metabolism: An Update
Energy Metabolism in the Liver
Nutritional Support in Chronic Liver Disease
Isocaloric Diets High in Animal or Plant Protein Reduce Liver Fat and Inflammation in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes.
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Click here to get Fatty Liver Fix at discounted price while it’s still available…
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Fatty Liver Fix is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.